Agonizing over the true Islam

by Finance Daily News
March 1st, 2015

A fighter of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) walks in the northern Syrian town of Kobani January 30, 2015. Sheets meant to hide residents from snipers' sights still hang over streets in the Syrian border town of Kobani, and its shattered buildings and cratered roads suggest those who fled are unlikely to return soon. Kurdish forces said this week they had taken full control of Kobani, a mainly Kurdish town near the Turkish border, after months of bombardment by Islamic State, an al Qaida offshoot that has spread across Syria and Iraq. (REUTERS/Osman Orsal)

Some charter member of the political correctness brigade is probably sitting in a Starbucks right now arguing that the three men arrested in New York City Wednesday for allegedly trying to join ISIS and attack Coney Island just had "economic grievances" that were likely to end in "workplace violence." That's how twisted the way we talk about terror and religion has become.

One would think it takes a particular lack of worldliness to argue that there's not much Islamic about the Islamic State. That's why it's troubling to read the New York Times' globetrotting everyman Thomas Friedman do almost that in a column last week. All the more so because he's usually no Pollyanna on the topic - repeatedly calling for an Islamic reformation over the past decade and reminding readers this January that "there is a huge amount of ambivalence toward this whole jihadist phenomenon -- more than any of us would like to believe -- in the Arab-Muslim world, Europe and America."

But this time Friedman wants to prove "The U.S. keeps repeating the same mistake in the Middle East: overestimating the power of religious ideology and underappreciating the impact of misgovernance."

Hold on. How can the United States be overestimating the influence of religion when the current administration can't even bring itself to speak the name of the religion in question?

Obama said at the "Countering Violent Extremism" summit that he wants to pursue "root causes." But how can you counter something you can't name? It's almost a scene out of an Inspector Clouseau film.

Friedman's certainly right to note "we agonizingly debate ISIS's relationship to Islam." No kidding. The politically correct agonizingly twist themselves into knots trying to downplay or entirely excuse the role religion plays in the allure of the Islamic State. Or al Qaida. Or Boko Haram. Or Hezbollah. Or al Shabaab. Or... you get the point.

Now there's nothing wrong with acknowledging nuance in religion. They all have sects. They all have factions. But do this too much and you risk falling into the relativist rabbit hole.

Like how Friedman enumerates different factions within the Islamic State then gives the reader the tools to conclude, should they so desire, that none are the true Islam. Like how the foreigners who join up aren't doing so out of religious adherence but because they're "losers, misfits, adventure seekers."

These observations are no doubt useful in understanding the scene on the ground, but in terms of crafting a dialogue with a Western audience they're counterproductive.

It just gives fuel to those apologists who are always looking to shift the conversation away from the atrocities and into a defence of the mythical "true Islam," as if such a thing exists. This is something the politically correct have been busy with since 9/11. They're obsessed with showing Islam in as positive a light as possible. They're obsessed with finding a way to distance wrongs done in the name of religion from its pure form. They're obsessed with constantly proclaiming that not all Muslims are terrorists... even though nobody credible has ever once said that they are.

This affliction would be harmless in a village idiot sort of way were it not for the fact that this narrative has lead public discourse into a corner. It's almost all we talk about now and because of this we leave the important questions unasked, let alone answered.

Right now the West - in conflict with, er, "violent extremism" - doesn't need more people busying themselves with this futile task of defining and defending the "true Islam." How in the world does that help deter people from wanting to attack Coney Island? If anything it encourages them, leading them to think that their radical notions are just one option among many in some multifaith dialogue governed by the rules of moral relativism.

No, the West needs people focused on questions that can actually be answered. Like: What is it about this religion that has made it a more attractive dumping ground for so many losers and misfits than other religions?

Or: Is that promised Muslim reformation, the type many hoped would arise from the Arab Spring, still possible and forthcoming? Because right now it's not looking good.

Hard questions. Uncomfortable questions. Unfortunately these are the ones the chattering classes don't seem interested in asking.

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