This popular myth about how to prune crape myrtles can actually cause damage to the trees

This popular myth about how to prune crape myrtles can actually cause damage to the trees
by Finance Daily News
December 24th, 2024

Somehow, the belief that crape myrtles should be brutally pruned by cutting off their tops persists, even though it's inaccurate.

Crape murder is a term that has been coined to describe this severe pruning . Although perhaps a little overly dramatic, it is in use by horticulturist across the Southeast wherever crape myrtles are a popular and common tree.

I often encounter gardeners that have gotten the idea that they are supposed to prune crape myrtles that way. This is generally from seeing others with crape myrtles that have had their tops cut off. But this is incorrect.

When crape myrtles are cut back hard every year it is a pruning technique called pollarding. In most cases, this annual pruning is needless work and expense that generates huge amounts of pruning trash that ends up in landfills. And it is not healthy for the trees in the long run.

Drastically cutting back crape myrtles creates large wounds that can serve as points of entry for fungal decay organisms. Pruning like this may shorten the life of the tree.

Topping crape myrtle trees is certainly not, and never has been, the preferred way of handling these graceful and beautiful trees. (Proper pruning should be done in the winter, before new growth starts in March.)

Horticulturists have decided not to sit by while perfectly beautiful crape myrtles are disfigured and deformed for no good reason. One way to stop the practice is to debunk the reasons why it is done.

5 misconceptions about pruningThis is the preferred or best way to prune a crape myrtle: Nothing could be farther from the truth. For most of us, enhancing the natural shape of our crape myrtles is most appropriate.Crape myrtles bloom better when cut back. This is inaccurate. The flower clusters may be larger on severely pruned trees. But the added weight on the ends of long branches causes them to bend over awkwardly, especially after it rains. These low-hanging flower heads can create problems and get in the way when a crape myrtle is planted near a driveway, sidewalk or path. And since the tree is smaller, fewer flower clusters are produced.You can cut back a crape myrtle to change its shape. Not true. A wide variety of crape myrtle varieties is available today, and as you look around area landscapes you will see great diversity among them. Some grow tall and upright like a vase, while others are shorter and spreading, more like a mushroom. These shapes are controlled by genetics. You cannot make an upright-growing crape myrtle grow in the shape of a mushroom by cutting it back. An upright growing variety will simply grow back upright again after being cut back. So, if you want a crape myrtle that will mature into the shape you desire, make sure you choose one that naturally grows that way.Young crape myrtles should be cut back to make them look "fuller." While young trees often appear more spindly and less substantial than older, well-established trees, this is a matter of age, not something that needs to be corrected with pruning. Young crape myrtles are not supposed to look like older crape myrtles. Over time, young trees will attain the shapely, full canopies of older trees without drastic pruning.You should cut back a crape myrtle to control its size. If the height of the crape myrtle is not causing a problem with a nearby structure or power lines, there is little reason to reduce the tree's height. To cut a crape myrtle back for the vague reason of "it just seems too large" ignores the fact that these plants are trees. They are supposed to be relatively large. Nobody cuts back redbuds, Japanese magnolias, parsley hawthorns, vitex and other flowering trees just because they dared to grow into what they are -- small trees. Why do we do it to crape myrtles? The proper way to prune

To prune a crape myrtle properly, first decide if it needs to be pruned. As with any pruning project, you must have a specific, valid purpose in mind before you begin. In other words, if you can't come up with a good reason to prune your tree -- leave it alone.

If you do see something that calls for pruning, study the tree carefully and determine what needs to be pruned to accomplish the specific purpose. If the problem is that one branch is touching the edge of the roof, deal with that branch. Don't cut back the whole tree.

Every crape myrtle will need some pruning in its life to grow properly and fit in well with its surroundings. Here are some examples:

Over time, branches that are too low on the trunk(s) will need to be pruned to raise the canopy to the desired height. We often need to remove weak, thin or vertical shoots from the inner part of the tree to produce a cleaner looking tree.Selected branches may need to be pruned back to a side branch or to the trunk to create a shapelier tree and to eliminate crossed and rubbing branches. Generally, avoid cutting back or shortening branches much larger than your finger, although cutting larger branches back to a side branch or to the trunk when needed is fine.You need to prune to keep suckers removed from the base of the trunk. Prune suckers off flush with the trunk and use products that reduce sucker production, like Sucker Stopper.You may also need to redirect the direction of a branch's growth. This can be done by studying the branch carefully and looking for a side branch that grows in the desired direction. Prune back to that branch and you have redirected the growth of the branch.

This can be helpful where trees are too close to a structure, such as a house. Always plant crape myrtle trees at least 10 feet away from the house roof line. In situations where trees are close to a house and branches are hitting the roof, branches can be redirected to grow away from or up and over the roof line by using this pruning technique.

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